Children's Chorus of SpringfieldChildren’s Chorus of Springfield

Springfield, MA
Directors: Esther Rhoades & Carol Forward

Edward P. Boland Elementary School ChorusEdward P. Boland Elementary School Chorus

Springfield, MA
Director: Diane M. Rodriguez

Grand Monadnock Youth Choirs--The ChoristersGrand Monadnock Youth Choirs–The Choristers

Southern New Hampshire
Director: Maria Belva

Hampshire Young People's Chorus Chamber SingersHampshire Young People’s Chorus Chamber Singers

Amherst, MA
Director: K.C. Conlan

Hampshire Young People's Chorus Concert ChoirHampshire Young People’s Chorus Concert Choir

Amherst, MA
Director: K.C. Conlin

Kurn Hattin Homes Select ChoirKurn Hattin Homes Select Choir

Westminster, VT
Director: Lisa Bianconi

Sharon Middle School Treble ChoirSharon Middle School Treble Choir

Sharon, MA
Ruth Debrot, Director

"Shir Fun!"“Shir Fun!”

Cantor Martin Levson, Director
Springfield, MA

St. Stanislaus School Bell ChoirSt. Stanislaus School Bell Choir

Chicopee, MA
Mrs. Jeanne Wainwright Director

St. Stanislaus School ChoirSt. Stanislaus School Choir

Chicopee, MA
Director: Mrs. Jeanne Wainwright

Tatham School ChorusTatham School Chorus

West Springfield, MA
Director: Don Rovero

Agawam High School Honors Chorus, Tonal TenacityAgawam High School Honors Chorus, Tonal Tenacity

Agawam, MA
Sonja Funk, Director

Amherst Regional High School ChoraleAmherst Regional High School Chorale

Anita Cooper, Director
Amherst, MA

Belchertown High School Women's ChoirBelchertown High School Women’s Choir

Belchertown, MA
Susan Comstock, Director

Chicopee High School Nova ChorusChicopee High School Nova Chorus

Chicopee, MA
Deb Salli, Director

Deerfield Academy Chamber SingersDeerfield Academy Chamber Singers

Deerfield, MA
Daniel Roihl, Director

Easthampton High School ChorusEasthampton High School Chorus

Easthampton, MA
Director: Sean Uliasz

Gateway Regional High School Show ChoirGateway Regional High School Show Choir

Huntington, MA
Director: Jerilyn Beauregard

Hampshire Regional High School Chamber SingersHampshire Regional High School Chamber Singers

Westhampton, MA
Director: Rebecca Phelps

Holyoke High Madrigal SingersHolyoke High Madrigal Singers

Holyoke, MA
Director: Mark Todd

Mosaic HarmonyMosaic Harmony

Amherst, MA
Director: Thad Wheeler

Mt Greylock High School ChoirMt Greylock High School Choir

Williamstown, MA
Director: Kathy (Kate) Caton

Spectrum A Cappella EnsembleSpectrum A Cappella Ensemble

South Hadley, MA
Director: Sarah Armstrong

Springfield Central High School Madrigal SingersSpringfield Central High School Madrigal Singers

Springfield, MA
Director: Jeanne C Parks

The AccidentalsThe Accidentals

Longmeadow, MA
Director: Kayla Werlin

The Choir of the High School of Science and TechnologyThe Choir of the High School of Science and Technology

Springfield, MA
Director: Jose Passalacqua


Northampton, MA
Director: Nora Nadire

The Page Singers (Bay Path College)The Page Singers (Bay Path College)

Longmeadow, MA
Director: Michael Rheault

Schola NovaSchola Nova

Easthampton, MA
Director: Terry Larsen

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ChoirSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Choir

Northampton, MA
Director: Dan Inglis

Chill HarmonicsChill Harmonics

Western Mass
Director: Kimberly Overtree and Regina Diemand

Green Street BrewGreen Street Brew

Northampton, MA
Director: Susan Dillard

High DefinitionHigh Definition

Northampton, MA
Director: Catherine Kay

Manchester Silk City ChorusManchester Silk City Chorus

Manchester, CT
Director: Todd Lamson

Pioneer Valley ChordsmenPioneer Valley Chordsmen

Springfield, MA
Director: Dan Inglis

Strike A Chord!Strike A Chord!

Springfield, MA
Director: Catherine Schane-Lydon

The ConnotationsThe Connotations

Northampton, MA
Director: Allison Smartt

The Kevin Sharpe GroupThe Kevin Sharpe Group

Northampton, MA
Director: Kevin Sharp

Valley Rock ChoirValley Rock Choir

Northampton, MA
Director: Tony Lechner

  • This program is sponsored in part by:

    Additional support is provided by: A grant from The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts from the Raymond E. and Mildred G. Clark Foundation Fund and the Members of WGBY.