Northampton, MA

Director: Kayla Werlin

“Pesah ala mano” by Flory Jagoda

About Director Kayla Werlin
Watch a video clip from this ensemble’s director.

Kayla Werlin, Musical Director, received her musical training at the University of Michigan and the University of Massachusetts. After teaching public school music in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey, Kayla moved to the Pioneer Valley and joined the music faculty of the Longmeadow High School, where she currently directs women’s choirs and teaches AP Music Theory. She is active in the Massachusetts chapter of the American Choral Directors’ Association. She is a member of “Cantabile,” the Pioneer Valley’s professional vocal chamber ensemble and appears as a mezzo-soprano soloist in area concert halls.

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  • This program is sponsored in part by:

    Additional support is provided by: A grant from The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts from the Raymond E. and Mildred G. Clark Foundation Fund and the Members of WGBY.