Springfield, MA
Directors: Jeanne C Parks and Gavin Mackie

“Choose Something Like a Star” from Forstiana by Randall Thompson

Springfield Central High School Madrigal Singers have been the premier singing group at Central High School since the school opened in 1986. Members must audition for the group during the previous spring and must have completed at least one other singing class to be eligible to audition. Members have also been members of Western District and All-State Choruses, as well as Drama Studio and Exit 7 Players. Madrigal Singers sing several times during the school year at larger school concerts and perform a “Great Works Concert” in late April. Membership in Madrigal Singers is limited to 30 members.

About the Director<br /> Choral Director and Music Director for Spring Musical at Springfield Central High School; B.S. Music Education, West Chester University; M.A. Music Education/Choral Conducting, University of Massachusetts; Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, Antioch New England Graduate School.  President, George N. Parks Drum Major Academy.

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  • This program is sponsored in part by:

    Additional support is provided by: A grant from The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts from the Raymond E. and Mildred G. Clark Foundation Fund and the Members of WGBY.