Sheffield, MA
Director: Chris Clark
“My Bonny Lass She Smileth” by Thomas Morley
About Director Chris Clark
Watch a video clip from this ensemble’s director.Chris Clark holds an undergraduate music degree from Cleveland State University, and a double Masters in Music Education and Choral Conducting from Bowling Green State University. He has taught for a number of years in the Ohio public school system, where his students earned superior ratings at state adjudicated festivals, toured locally, and shared the stage with the University of Toledo choirs. Mr. Clark also has given lectures at state professional development conferences, and conducted a number of community choirs. Currently, Mr. Clark lives in Massachusetts, where he has become the Director of Music for the Southern Berkshire Regional School District, where he teacher choir in grades 3-12. He performs regularly around the area, directing the Sheffield Messiah Choir, The Albany Gay Men’s Chorus, and assistant directing the Cantilena Chamber Choir.